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    Teaching Kids Micro : bit

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What is Micro bit

microbit editor

Teaching Kids Micro:Bit - "Hello World"

from microbit import *

display.scroll("Hello, World!")

this codes will display "Hello World" on the Display as shown below


Face-Recognition based Attendance System using Micro: bit

Learn how to make Attendance System Based on
Face-Recognition in PictoBlox using Micro: bit.
We show students how to
make a face recognition-based attendance system
in PictoBlox AI using micro: bit.

How does it work?
We will use one of the buttons on micro:bit,
we use button B to feed a new image into our system.
button To scan a face,
As soon as the system matches the face
detected with the sample image,
it will display the name of that person
on micro:bit’s LED matrix.
and add the time stamp into an excel sheet.

Programming Platform: PictoBlox (Scratch)


To make this attendance system, you need:
A laptop or a computer
The latest version of PictoBlox
A good Internet connection.
Micro: bit
USB cable...

Voice Commands using the Speech Recognition technology

Artificial Intelligence Based Home Automation
In This Project,
Learn how to control the appliances
with Voice Commands using the
Speech Recognition technology

of Artificial Intelligence in PictoBlox